Fair Lady Programs & Brands
The delightful story of Cinderella unfolds with the hilarious antics of the stepmother and stepsisters, the frail beauty and kindness of Cinderella and the grandeur of her wedding to the Prince in VH Dance Center’s lavish production. This production is wonderful for all ages and is pure family entertainment of highest level.
Choreographer, Kenneth Von Heidecke’s works are performed around the world and recently celebrated 25 years of producing its annual sold out production of the Nutcracker at the historic Rialto Square Theatre. Sumptuous and colorful costumes depict the fairy godmother and fairies transforming Cinderella’s rags to the grand ball gown when she makes her entrance into the swirling ballroom of the palace. Humor and tender love scenes truly make this the perfect family treat. It’s no wonder that the production has received national acclaim on tour.